Children’s Safari

Safari in vineyards for kids

Riding through the hills and mud

Games in the vineyards with balloons

Blending grape juice and modeling design gadgets from wine stones

Team activities for young safari-adventurers

Price: 399 euro, capacity: eight kids, duration 3 hours

WINESAFARI Svaty Jur Slovakia local glass of wine tasting attraction the best guided tour outdoor fun Pinzgauer new experience vineyards in Bratislava area close to Vienna Austria in Central Europe perfect day with kids in slovakia



Detské safari

Safari vo vinohradoch pre deti

Jazda cez kopce a blato

Hry vo vinohradoch s balónmi

Zmiešanie hroznovej šťavy a modelovanie suvenírov z vinného kameňa

Tímové hry pre mladých safari-dobrodruhov

Cena : 399 euro, kapacita 8 detí, trvanie 3hodiny

WINESAFARI Svaty Jur Slovakia local glass of wine tasting attraction the best guided tour outdoor fun Pinzgauer new experience vineyards in Bratislava area close to Vienna Austria in Central Europe enjoy vineyards with friends outdoor